
Copyright Licensing Price List is the copyright licensing manager for The Ford Motor Company Archives. Our use fees are subject to change and are dependent upon specific use, term and geographical reach. We try to keep it simple.

  • Still Photos are $250 for each use in books and publications, volume discounts are available.
  • Commercial Advertising use varies upward from $500 based upon the campaign.
  • Video use is $1000 per clip of any duration,  volume discounts are available.
  • Still Photo use in any TV/Cable/Streaming broadcast medium is $500 each, volume discounts are available.
  • Editorial Use varies from use to use. Editorial is limited to large circulation magazines and newspapers and credentialed journalists.
  • Marketing use on Social Media to drive traffic for advertising or sale of a commercial product or service is on a case by case basis starting at $100 per image per post.



Questions, please tell us about your requested use and we will give you a fee estimate.


Richard Weedn

+41 79 265 8891